Tag: America
Sarah Palin Is Not A Serious Person
If Sarah Palin plans to run for president in 2012 (which I’m not yet sure if she’ll do), many people will vote for her. But count me as one of those Americans who will not check the box for Sarah Palin if that day comes. There are a few reasons why I won’t vote for…
Lovin’ Lincoln
I finally went on the most important pilgrimage a history buff must go on: to Springfield, IL, for the loads of Lincoln lore there. First, I went with my dad to the Old State Capitol where Lincoln worked as a state legislator. Though mostly recreated, the building smacked of authenticity. But the biggest and best…
Where Were You?
I was in 8th grade, climbing on to the school bus after an early morning swim class. The bus driver had the radio on. “A plane has hit the World Trade Center.” Oh, I thought. How dumb do you have to be to crash into a big building like that? That is the moment I…
Great Scott And Last ‘Lost’
Somehow I’m not surprised by this bit of news. At least McClellan is willing to admit he was wrong about something. In other, happier news: Lost finale tomorrow! I have high hopes for another mind-blower. Don’t let me down, writers. The finale of The Office was uninspiring, so give me something to love on TV…
The Things They Carried
“A true war story is never moral,” writes Tim O’Brien in his book The Things They Carried. Indeed, if there ever was a hard lesson learned by the United States, its citizens and, most importantly, the soldiers during the Vietnam War, it was that war was without morals, no matter how Hollywood depicted it. The stories…
War Is Hell
Published in the North Central Chronicle on February 8, 2008. John Edwards is out of the race. I think he would have made a fine president. His fight against poverty and corruption did not jive well with mainstream media narratives, though they were well-publicized cornerstones of Edwards’ stump speech. But his other equally important message…
Standing Tall: Comparing ‘High Noon’ and ‘On The Waterfront’
Published in the North Central Chronicle on Jan. 25, 2008 “I have here in my hand…” said Senator Joseph McCarthy in February 1950, effectively hoodwinking the country into a hysterical anti-Communism era known as the Red Scare. McCarthy claimed the list identified 200 Communists within the American government, so he and the House Committee on…
Where Are Our American Heroes?
Published in the North Central Chronicle on October 26, 2007. The Declaration of Independence. The Emancipation Proclamation. The Wright brothers. The fall of the Berlin Wall. These are great pieces of our nation’s history. They represent the importance of American freedom, ingenuity, and strength. Slavery. The treatment of Native Americans. The atomic bomb. Vietnam. Watergate.…
Murdoch Expands His Mega Media Empire
Published in the North Central Chronicle on September 14, 2007. First published in 1889, the Wall Street Journal has won countless Pulitzer Prizes and worldwide acclaim for its quality reporting and editorials. It also was the first news outlet to report Enron’s financial disaster, as well as the Sept. 11 attacks. So what lies ahead…
Live your life
From the blog Pharyngula in regards to the sixth anniversary of 9/11: I’m not impressed with moments of silence or candlelight vigils or noble rhetoric about this event. If you want to do something to remember that tragedy, the best thing to do is to simply stop living your life in fear.