See other year in review posts.
This is the view from my New Year’s Eve. Since I can count the number of degrees it is outside on one hand, I decided to stay in this morning to look back at my 2017 calendar and remember the notable events, trips, and people that made up my year. In chronological order:
- The Packers beating the Giants and the Cowboys in the playoffs.
- Going down to Florida for my cousin’s funeral was the definition of bittersweet: horrible reason for being there, but good opportunity to see family we don’t see very often.
- Sold two typewriters for more than I bought them for. It’s a seller’s market out there.
- Went to Ann Arbor, MI, for the first time for a baby shower and hung out with far flung friends.
- Starting a two-person book club with my friend Josh, where we get together to eat and discuss the book, along with politics, religion, and everything under the sun. I call them our “save the world” sessions because we sort through the miasma of current events and decide on the proper way to fix them. If only D.C. would listen in!
- Bar trivia with Jenny and her cousins. Weren’t close to winning, but reminded me I should do bar trivia more.
- Had neighbors over for dinner, which reminded me we should have neighbors over for dinner more.
- Saw my grandma the day before she died. Though by that time she was unresponsive, the timing was fortuitous.
- Long weekend trip to the Twin Cities to visit friends. Hung out with their awesome kids and gallivanted around town.
- Hosted a marriage proposal in our apartment by people who used to live in it.
- Saw Sandra McCracken at The Union with Jenny, three of my favorite things.
- Got quoted in Rod Dreher’s The Benedict Option, then hosted a discussion about the book at a local potluck.
- Went to Durham, NC, for a wedding and loved it.
- Continued playing ultimate frisbee Sunday afternoons when I was able, and loving the feeling of a perfectly thrown touchdown.
- Got to facilitate two dozen very cute interviews between 3rd graders for a local history project at my library.
- Saw the Cubs lose to the Brewers at Wrigley Field on a cold and rainy day. Highlights within that include seeing two of Jenny’s cousins there, and Nick Offerman walking directly past us after singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”.
- Went to my first local ward meeting, in a post-election effort to become more civically engaged.
- Had a quick and haphazard solo recording session of some of my songs. Won’t be able to use most of it, but it reminded me of the agony and ecstasy of recording.
- Took several quick trips to Jenny’s family cottage in Michigan, including over Independence Day weekend.
- Celebrated two years of marriage to my bride, who supports my weird hobbies and makes me want to be a better person.
- Went to ALA 2017 in Chicago. Seeing the Librarian of Congress was a highlight.
- Called or hung out with several friends, new and old, to catch up and get to know each other, all of which I appreciate.
- Drove to Toronto for a family wedding. The 8-hour drive wasn’t so great, but being there for the first time was.
- Convened with family in Cape May, NJ, for a reunion of sorts, then caravanned to Elkins, WV, for grandma’s memorial service. Saw lots of extended family for the first time and got to hang with my cousins’ kids, who grow too fast.
- Played golf for the first time in at least 15 years in Elkins the morning of the memorial. Grateful for my cousin’s husband’s caddying and encouragement the whole rushed 9. Sank one sweet putt and had one great approach shot, otherwise: A for effort.
- My sister visited to see Billy Joel at Wrigley Field. We were planning to just listen from outside the ballpark as I did years ago with a friend for Paul McCartney, but on a whim we checked the box office for tickets and decided to jump on them as an early birthday present to me. Awesome show.
- Saw The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, California Typewriter, and Columbus at the Music Box Theater.
- Hosted several friends and family overnight on our pullout couch-bed, having each of them leave a note in our guest book.
- Went to college homecoming for the first time since graduating, and got an alumni discount on a t-shirt as a reward.
- Got an advance copy of Tom Hanks’ typewriter book, which I reviewed, then photographed with one of my typers, which got on the news. Then got a letter from the man himself.
- Met up with friends in Asheville, NC, which was gorgeous and fun.
- Wrote a post a day for #Novemblog2017 instead of trying and failing to write a novel I wouldn’t enjoy doing anyway. Some favorites: This is my alarm clock, Want to Read (∞): on becoming a good reader, Google Past, and In praise of wedding reception air drumming.
- Got invited to a Friendsgiving and tried to build a gingerbread house with a kid who was super stoked about it.
- Welcomed long-awaited nephew Olin Charles into the world, and began taking pictures of him immediately.
- Got some books, a Merriam-Webster t-shirt, a banjo capo, and other fun little things for Christmas.
- Encountered lots of great books, movies, and music, and wrote more entries in Cool Civil War Names and Refer Madness.
2017: Not Bad!