Tags, I’m it

Along with moving my photo documentary project, I’ve been doing some more pruning and weeding and landscaping work ‘round this here digital garden of mine:

  • Picked a new theme for a visual refresh—another one from Anders Noren’s excellent collection of free WordPress themes
  • Revamped the archive page to allow for easier browsing of the most common tags and themes I’ve written about since 2006, along with some fun miscellaneous series and projects of yore
  • Added a link on that page for jumping to a random post, just for fun (try it)
  • Converted the ~20 post categories into tags to simplify things for me on the backend and better organize posts
  • Cleaned up the list of tags, some of which were either redundant or unused after 17 years of blogging (there’s still 1,719 of them, with books in the lead at 252 posts)
  • Updated some posts that were missing relevant tags

It’s been very satisfying to make all these changes, if only for my pedantic urge for a clean and consistent website experience—for me and its visitors.
