Tag: technology
The Millennials Will Be All Right
I finally read Joel Stein’s Time magazine piece on the Millennial Generation, called “The Me Me Me Generation.” For the record, unlike some of my Millennial cohorts I hate “selfies” (the term and the thing it describes), I don’t feel entitled to a great job right out of school, and I don’t sleep next to…
Data Dumped: On The Freedom Of Forgetting
Do we have the right to forget the past, and to be forgotten? That’s the key question in this article from The Guardian by Kate Connolly, which part of a larger series on internet privacy. Connolly talks with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, professor of internet governance at Oxford Internet Institute, who describes himself as the “midwife” of the idea…
Science Blows My Mind
Like many English majors, science and mathematics were two subjects that gave me trouble throughout my primary, secondary, and college education. I think it was geometry class sophomore year of high school where I hit a wall and everything after that was a blur. Ditto with chemistry that year (what in the name of Walter…
Steve Jobs Lives
This 1987 concept video from Apple predicts not only the iPad and all of its capabilities, but also Siri, the speech-activated personal assistant that will be ubiquitous technology in a few years given how Apple products usually work. (H/T to Andrew Sullivan for the video) Andy Baio finds this amazing: Based on the dates mentioned in the…
iPad? I think not
Originally published in the North Central Chronicle on April 16, 2010. With all the near-orgasmic praise Apple’s iPad has received lately, I feel like I should want to get one. But I don’t. Let’s be honest: it’s a cool toy. It does most of the things and iPod Touch or iPhone can do but on…
Net Neutrality
This video explains Net Neutrality way better than I ever could… Created by Aaron Shekey of Apparently Nothing fame.