Tag: Teach Me How To Dewey
DDC 270-279: Persecution junction
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 270 Christian church history 271 Religious orders in church history 272 Persecutions in church history 273 Heresies in church history 274 Christian church in Europe 275 Christian church in Asia 276 Christian church in Africa 277 Christian church in North America 278 Christian…
DDC 260-269: Fred Phelps would hate this
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 260 Christian social theology 261 Social theology 262 Ecclesiology 263 Times, places of religious observance 264 Public worship 265 Sacraments, other rites & acts 266 Missions 267 Associations for religious work 268 Religious education 269 Spiritual renewal Is Christianity cool? Starting with this…
DDC 250-259: Parish Administration: The Movie
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 250 Christian orders & local church 251 Preaching (Homiletics) 252 Texts of sermons 253 Pastoral office (Pastoral theology) 254 Parish government & administration 255 Religious congregations & orders 256 No longer used—formerly Religious societies 257 No longer used—formerly Parochial schools, libraries, etc. 258…
DDC 240-249: Ain’t your mama’s Christian writing
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: The thing I like about sections like this is how it surprises. Even though (or perhaps because) I grew up in the Christian world and am very familiar with its tropes, biases, and tendencies, I love when I find new things—perspectives that challenge…
DDC 230-239: Fresh loaves and fishes
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 230 Christian theology 231 God 232 Jesus Christ & his family 233 Humankind 234 Salvation (Soteriology) & grace 235 Spiritual beings 236 Eschatology 237 No longer used—formerly Future state 238 Creeds & catechisms 239 Apologetics & polemics Probably because, not in spite of,…
DDC 220-229: Blessed is Samuel L. Jackson
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: Regardless of how accurate it is in a given situation, deploying “Old Testament” as an intensifying adjective/adverb–i.e. “It’s about to get Old Testament up in here”–is one of my favorite things. To me in implies a righteous fury or a majestic/violent power that…
DDC 210-219: Are you there, God? It’s Melvil
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 211 Concepts of God 212 Existence, attributes of God 213 Creation 214 Theodicy 215 Science & religion 216 No longer used—formerly Evil 217 No longer used—formerly Prayer 218 Humankind 219 No longer used—formerly Analogies Once again we’ve got a number of winning Ghosts…
DDC 200-209: The R Word
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 200 Religion 201 Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology 202 Doctrines 203 Public worship and other practices 204 Religious experience, life, practice 205 Religious ethics 206 Leaders and organization 207 Missions and religious education 208 Sources 209…
DDC 190-199: Go west, young philosopher
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 190 Modern Western philosophy 191 Modern Western philosophy of the United States and Canada 192 Modern Western philosophy of the British Isles 193 Modern Western philosophy of Germany and Austria 194 Modern Western philosophy of France 195 Modern Western philosophy of Italy 196…
DDC 180-189: Questions, questions
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: I admit that I haven’t been exposed much to ancient philosophy, outside of that college philosophy class I’ve mentioned. I remember being especially taken by Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and its take on friendship. I love learning about different taxonomies and ways of looking…
DDC 170-179: What are you reading under there?
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 170 Ethics 171 Ethical systems 172 Political ethics 173 Ethics of family relationships 174 Occupational ethics 175 Ethics of recreation and leisure 176 Ethics of sex and reproduction 177 Ethics of social relations 178 Ethics of consumption 179 Other ethical norms Time to…
DDC 160-169: Beam me up, Logic
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: You know what they say about logic… Though I am very much not a math or science person, I think Spock is onto something here regarding the stimulating nature of logic. Like a beautifully composed painting or cohesive album, as a simple composition…
DDC 150-159: Paging Dr. Freud…
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 150 Psychology 151 No longer used—formerly Intellect 152 Perception, movement, emotions, and drives 153 Mental processes and intelligence 154 Subconscious and altered states 155 Differential and developmental psychology 156 Comparative psychology 157 No longer used—formerly Emotions 158 Applied psychology 159 No longer used—formerly…
DDC 140-149: The sexiest of all -isms
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 140 Philosophical schools of thought 141 Idealism and related systems 142 Critical philosophy 143 Bergsonism and intuitionism 144 Humanism and related systems 145 Sensationalism 146 Naturalism and related systems 147 Pantheism and related systems 148 Liberalism, eclecticism, and traditionalism 149 Other philosophical systems…
DDC 130-139: Calling Questlove
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: 130 Parapsychology and occultism 131 Parapsychological and occult methods 132 No longer used—formerly Mental derangements 133 Specific topics in parapsychology and occultism 134 No longer used—formerly Mesmerism and Clairvoyance 135 Dreams and mysteries 136 No longer used—formerly Mental characteristics 137 Divinatory graphology 138 Physiognomy 139 Phrenology…
DDC 120-129: Deweyterminism
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: Can we discuss 125 for a second? “Formerly Infinity”? That 1) should be a high school garage band or Tumblr immediately, and 2) is, when you think about it for a second, an insane mind-melt. Something used to be infinite but now is not? I was…
DDC 100-109: Don’t know much philosophy
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: Ahhhhhh… Sam Cooke. Melodically justifying ignorance since 1960. But those of us who don’t know much about philosophy are in luck: Dewey’s got us covered. Having conquered the first 100 Dewey points, we now enter the mind-melting glass case of cognition dedicated to Philosophy and Psychology.…