Tag: photography
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More photography here. In early November we visited some friends on their farm in the far exterior of Chicagoland: Hat-tip to this payphone that’s just hangin’ in there: Sunset from a different farm: A song of ice and fog at our local park: The view from getting gas at Costco: The sun shone kindly upon…
Let there be lights
My wife recently got a little solar-powered prism for our backyard window that starts rotating once it’s charged up with enough sunlight. This has given sunny mornings an extra little burst of magic with little rainbows streaming around the room, one of which I managed to capture as it dashed right next to one of…
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More photography here. Partly cloudy in the Windy City: Feeling reflective at our park: Fishing class with the five year old: First time downtown with the lads: Enjoying the hotel room balcony at Timber Ridge Lodge: Burgundy boy blending in with the fallen leaves:
Recent Views, Michigan edition
More photography here. Scenes from some time in Michigan with extended family… Gas station architecture: Boatin’: Cousins dancing to the sunset (also a perfect album cover for their future band): Happened to catch the sunset reflected near the five year old: Early morning dune summit: In between teaching the five year old how to play…
Insects inspected
We’ve encountered more interesting bugs while out and about since doing this last September, so I figured I’d turn this into yet another of my recurring features with its own tag. Here’s a midge: And a (much smaller in real life) ground crab spider: And a yellow woolly bear moth: And an alder spittlebug: And…
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More photography here. Shadow play: The tunnel into Brookfield Zoo: Garbage Day is appointment viewing: Barking up the front yard tree: Puddle hunting:
Recent Views, flora and fauna edition
More photography here. Lots of red admiral butterflies in our backyard: A goose family at our local park: A toad tromping through our backyard: The Great Cicadapocalypse has begun here in Illinois, and here’s one of many molting cicadas on our maple tree: Our lilac bush is so vibrant for such a short time: A…
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More photography here. Back before winter melted into an unseasonably warm February, we got to enjoy some idyllic snowfall: A boy beholding his world: A foggy commute: Shadows and hallways: Laying down in the backyard with the 5 year old let us spot this view of a fading contrail:
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Tiles and toes: Always the bright spot on rainy walks: The puddle jumper approaches: Sunset reflections: Sunday morning clips and coffee: The backyard bubbles are back: Some dramatic lighting at a local library:
A new home for ‘The Wedding Singer at NCC’
Back in early 2011 I produced a photo documentary of the student-directed stage musical production of The Wedding Singer at North Central College, where I’d graduated the year before. I set up shop on Tumblr and documented the behind-the-scenes process over the 10-week period. It was fun to watch the show come together from the…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. When you go into an elevator and look up to see this face of doom: The skyward view outside my workplace: Caught this partially melted ice cube on a countertop: Why save your Halloween costume for a few hours on one day when you can wear it all…
Insects inspected
This summer I managed to snap pics of a few cool and colorful critters spotted around our yard and house. And thanks to my phone’s aforementioned Visual Look Up, I actually know what they are. Here’s an ailanthus webworm moth: And a two-striped grasshopper: And a grapevine beetle: And some kind of mantis (species unknown):…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Spotted these two lights reflecting off the Whole Foods cafe counter, the rainbow from outside and the fluorescent light from above: Investigating a hail storm from our porch: Tunnel vision at the children’s museum: It’s a shame our neighbors live in a bubble: Baseball diamond? Nah—giant sandbox:
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More photography here and on my Instagram. My wife and son heart-bombed my car for Valentine’s Day while I was at work: I’ve never tasted or seen Romanesco broccoli but it looks super cool: He’s been using his new training-wheels bike a lot: Some colorful stairs in Woodstock, Illinois: Our friends built a mini sledding…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. A sunbeamed leaf as seen through our car windshield: The yin and yang of a backyard bonfire remnant: At work in his corner office: Cloudy with a chance of a refill: The bubbles are back, and they’re multiplying: Mr. 3 Year Old is eager to shovel at the…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. The view of the capitol building in Madison from the Madison Children’s Museum rooftop: Mr. 3 Year Old and his cousin on the slide at the Madison zoo: Stumbled upon this view atop a slide at a nearby suburban park: Ascending a magically wooded tunnel of stairs adjacent…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Watching and waiting: Really proud of capturing this absolutely perfect arc between the moon, basketball, hoop, and sun: The 3 year old and his cousin tearing it up in Michigan: Sandy sunset shadows: Sure, sunset photos are cliché, but damned if I care: Like I said:
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Perusing the pond during an unseasonably cold spring: Bubbles in the backyard: Loved the geometry and colors on this rainy tennis court: Potential album cover for our future father/son band: *heart eyes emoji*: Fun with focus: