Tag: libraries
DDC 130-139: Calling Questlove
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: 130 Parapsychology and occultism 131 Parapsychological and occult methods 132 No longer used—formerly Mental derangements 133 Specific topics in parapsychology and occultism 134 No longer used—formerly Mesmerism and Clairvoyance 135 Dreams and mysteries 136 No longer used—formerly Mental characteristics 137 Divinatory graphology 138 Physiognomy 139 Phrenology…
DDC 120-129: Deweyterminism
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: Can we discuss 125 for a second? “Formerly Infinity”? That 1) should be a high school garage band or Tumblr immediately, and 2) is, when you think about it for a second, an insane mind-melt. Something used to be infinite but now is not? I was…
DDC 100-109: Don’t know much philosophy
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: Ahhhhhh… Sam Cooke. Melodically justifying ignorance since 1960. But those of us who don’t know much about philosophy are in luck: Dewey’s got us covered. Having conquered the first 100 Dewey points, we now enter the mind-melting glass case of cognition dedicated to Philosophy and Psychology.…
DDC 090-099: Kell yeah!
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: We made it to the end of our first 100 of Dewey! #WeDeweyedIt! And if it wasn’t totally evident by now that the Dewey Decimal Classification is about books, allow it to remind you one more time with this 10-spot dedicated to the things of books…
DDC 080-089: Paging Carrot Top
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: In case you don’t remember (or have tried to forget) (a) payphones, (b) the “comedian” Carrot Top, or (3) the AT&T “Collect” commercials featuring Carrot Top and payphones, let me enlighten you. (Warning: this video might give you unwanted flashbacks to Carrot Top and the early…
DDC 070-079: Carryin’ the banner
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: 070 Journalism, and newspapers 071 Newspapers in North America 072 Newspapers in British Isles; in England 073 Newspapers in central Europe; in Germany 074 Newspapers in France & Monaco 075 Newspapers in Italy & adjacent islands 076 Newspapers in Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands 077 Newspapers…
DDC 060-069: Museum’s Rules
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: 060 General organizations & museology 061 Organizations in North America 062 Organizations in British Isles; in England 063 Organizations in central Europe; in Germany 064 Organizations in France & Monaco 065 Organizations in Italy & adjacent islands 066 Organizations in Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands 067…
DDC 050-059: Killer serials
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: 050 General serials & their Indexes 051 Serials in American English 052 Serials in English 053 Serials in other Germanic languages 054 Serials in French, Occitan & Catalan 055 Serials in Italian, Romanian & related languages 056 Serials in Spanish & Portuguese 057 Serials in Slavic…
DDC 040-049: The Abyss
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: Darkness. Emptiness. Eternally nothing. This is the first and only unassigned ten-spot in all of Dewey. It used to be the home of Biographies, but most libraries separate biographies into their own section, leaving this vacant lot to the weeds. Of course, on the shelves the…
DDC 030-039: Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the 030s
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: 030 General encyclopedia works 031 Encyclopedias in American English 032 Encyclopedias in English 033 Encyclopedias in German 034 Encyclopedias in French, Occitan & Catalan 035 Encyclopedias in Italian, Romanian & related languages 036 Encyclopedias in Spanish & Portuguese 037 Encyclopedias in Slavic languages 038 Encyclopedias in…
DDC 020-029: Meta-Dewey
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: We’re getting meta up in here. I suppose it’s fitting that the section on libraries should be towards the beginning. Imagine how much this section has changed from Melvil Dewey’s time until now. I wonder how blown his mind would be by the Internet and online…
DDC 010-019: Books, man…
A Teach Me How To Dewey production The Rundown: Ohhhhh yeaaahhhh… Pure, unadulterated book crack. This is where things start to get good. Book lovers don’t have to go far to get their fix in Dewey. Bibliographies of all stripes serenade perusers of the stacks like the Sirens in The Odyssey, each its own rabbit…
DDC 001-009: You’re wrong about aliens and books
A Teach Me How To Dewey production We’re really doing it, buddies! Teach Me How To Dewey (aka the Dewey Domination System, aka Operation Climb Mountain Dewey) is in effect, library card at the ready to check out some sweet books, and maybe a movie or two if we’re feeling lucky. Generally, each post that…
This Is How We Dewey: A Primer
A Teach Me How To Dewey production Ready for the Snapchat summary of Dewey? Here it goes: The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) organizes library material in a numerical hierarchy by field of study. Each one has its own 100-level placement, called a class: Each class has its own 10 subdivisions, which have their own subsections,…
Dewey is dead; long live Dewey
The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is kinda weird. For today’s app-ified patrons, it’s not very intuitive and seems tattered, like one of the old books it classifies. But despite what the sayers of nay say, it’s not time to dump Dewey. Instead, we should try to get to know it a little better. Librarians encounter…
iLibrary: Resistance Is Futile
If a library doesn’t have books, does it cease to be a library? The coming of BiblioTech, a new Apple Store computer lab bookless library in San Antonio, the first in the nation, begs the question. It has also brought with it rhetorical musings on whether the future of libraries is already here, and whether…