Tag: photography
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Into the tundra: A ghostly window creature: 3 year old was “helping” me clean out the car on a warmer day by “fixing” a headrest with a wrench, but all you can really see is the reflection of the sun and clouds in the rear window: Among the…
Into his great daily unknown
We celebrated Little Man’s third birthday this week (well, fourth if you count his actual day of birth). While looking through my photos of him I noticed a motif of capturing him from behind as he ventures forth at varying speeds. I like this vantage point for a few reasons. Since we don’t post his…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Shoutout to this Ameritech relic on a power box: Little Mr. Autumn Man: That golden hour light: Same garage, different day and view: More golden hour light and shadows: Morning breaking in the backyard:
The art of ‘90s photo envelopes
While going through my library’s bevy of old staff and event photos, I encountered lots of what used to be commonplace but are now practically ancient artifacts: photo envelopes. Most of them were from the 1990s and early 2000s, which you can probably guess from the designs. (See also: groovy ’70s library brochures.)
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Visited my alma mater for a meetup with friends and snagged this view, one I beheld many times as an undergrad: Walkin’ in the rain: Waiting for the darkness to descend on a Michigan beach ahead of the Independence Day fireworks (where I was stargazing with WALL-E): Always…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Nice and clean newly painted line in a corner of my library’s under-renovation lower level: We had some trees removed and the guy in the bucket truck looked like he was chillin’ on the roof despite actually floating through the air: From our first time in Half Price…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. This picture barely captures how cool the evening light was through these clouds at my local strip mall: Remnants of winter: Black Play-Doh + white Play-Doh = accidentally awesome marbled design: “Aphyllous trees beneath cirrocumulus clouds” sounds like a line from “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” but…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. A dusting on the pier at our local park: Just following in Little Man’s footsteps: This is either a failed photo or the perfect encapsulation of Christmas morning with a toddler: Liked the colors and light in our front bushes (which still have Christmas lights on them) while…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Watching this little wanderer discover the wilds of Pure Michigan™: Caught some nice evening light in our local playground’s jungle gym: Technically this will be Mr. 22 Month Old’s third winter (he was born during a blizzard), but the first he remembers and appreciates. Hence his major surprise…
Hand in hand
Did some hand tracing with Mr. 21 Months, which reminded me of a picture I took of us last year while on a walk. Using a crayon made our hands look chunkier than they really are, but little man’s hand in the picture was just as chunky as it looks.
Recent Views (in my kitchen)
We’re finally redoing the original kitchen in our 1956 house. Once the old metal Youngstown cabinets were removed, I noticed this collision of patterns on the unfinished wall: I also discovered some old-school miscellanea:
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More photography here and on my Instagram. As much of a selfie I’m willing to muster: From back in coat-wearing weather, the cover art for our future family band’s debut album: Backyard greenery: Exploring the tiny patch of wildness in our suburban backyard: A fence post in the local park that’s seen better days: Our…
Toddler view askew
We really try to keep our smartphones away from Mr. 13 Months. He’s elated when he does get his hands on one—usually just for photos or FaceTime—but then turns into Ring Withdrawal Bilbo when we take it away from him. And when he seizes the reins during FaceTime, he generates footage shakier than a Bourne…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. From our go-to park last fall: Little man enjoying the ball pit at his cousin’s birthday party: The inside view of Madison’s capitol dome: Turns out kids love swings: A few shots from probably the last snowfall of an extremely mild winter:
The Smoking Type
Love this photo by Adrian Borda, called “Under An Ocean of Words”, which captures the view from inside a typewriter looking up through smoke. I’ve seen this view plenty during repair and cleaning sessions, but never quite this dramatically. Perhaps I should take up smoking. h/t Kottke
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More photography here and on my Instagram. The view of downtown Madison from a pontoon on Lake Mendota: Some good reflection action at the park by our house: You know I love a good “sunrise through the blinds” shot: You know I love cider donuts and fall stuff: Morning view from my hotel room in…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. Trying to take evening walks with the almost 6 month old strapped to me while the sun still allows it, so I get to enjoy views like this: Also get to enjoy views like this from the Nap Cam: Yet another baby view, this one from the family…
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More photography here and on my Instagram. My primary view lately: More chubby baby: My library shares a parking lot with a church (pictured with its wacky window placements), and the lot regularly floods due to crappy drainage. It’s annoying for parking but good for cool shots: I liked the colors on the sign here…