Tag: books
DDC 370-379: Trigger warning – School
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: A fitting section to happen upon as we approach back-to-school season. It’s a time of year that is bittersweet for me: while I do miss the camaraderie and intellectual rigor of being in school, I don’t miss BSing papers, having to take math,…
DDC 360-369: A curious case of massive understatement
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 360 Social services; association 361 General social problems 362 Social welfare problems & services 363 Other social problems & services 364 Criminology 365 Penal & related institutions 366 Association 367 General clubs 368 Insurance 369 Miscellaneous kinds of associations 361 “General social problems”?…
Notes on Shady Characters
Keith Houston’s 2013 book Shady Characters: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols, and Other Typographical Marks is like catnip for word nerds. It’s rife with historical trivia about the more uncommon punctuation marks that have littered language history, including the pilcrow (¶), dagger (†), and interrobang (‽). It also provides background on the symbols we…
DDC 350-359: Battle Cry of Deweydom
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 350 Public administration 351 Of central governments 352 Of local governments 353 Of U.S. federal & state governments 354 Of specific central governments 355 Military science 356 Foot forces & warfare 357 Mounted forces & warfare 358 Other specialized forces & services 359…
DDC 340-349: Law and Boredom
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 340 Law 341 International law 342 Constitutional & administrative law 343 Military, tax, trade, industrial law 344 Social, labor, welfare, & related law 345 Criminal law 346 Private law 347 Civil procedure & courts 348 Law (Statutes), regulations, cases 349 Law of specific…
DDC 330-339: Economics? Interesting? WTF
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 330 Economics 331 Labor economics 332 Financial economics 333 Land economics 334 Cooperatives 335 Socialism & related systems 336 Public finance 337 International economics 338 Production 339 Macroeconomics & related topics Gotta be honest: I was not expecting to find as many interesting…
DDC 320-329: Beware the festering swamp
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 320 Political science 321 Systems of governments & states 322 Relation of state to organized groups 323 Civil & political rights 324 The political process 325 International migration & colonization 326 Slavery & emancipation 327 International relations 328 The legislative process 329 Not…
DDC 310-319: “Sports statistics… interesting subject. Homework, Tannen?”
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: Man… some slim pickin’s here. Besides the series of World Almanacs that go a few years back, literally the only other books my library has are the two other ones featured below. (Not even the Grays Sports Almanac? C’mon library!) On the one…
DDC 300-309: Welcome to the Human Jungle
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: Welcome to the 300s! Officially designated for the social sciences, I’m calling it the Human Jungle because it gets into the thick of stuff about people and cultures. I don’t know about yours, but in my library this section went on for sooooo…
DDC 290-299: Like the ending of LOST
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: As acknowledged back in DDC 220-229, the 200s have been overwhelmingly biased toward Christianity. But don’t fear, every other religious person reading this: your time has come! The Lords of Dewey have deigned the 290s the “Oh Crap We Forgot All The Other…
DDC 280-289: The denomination is in the details
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 280 Christian denominations & sects 281 Early church & Eastern churches 282 Roman Catholic Church 283 Anglican churches 284 Protestants of Continental origin 285 Presbyterian, Reformed, Congregational 286 Baptist, Disciples of Christ, Adventist 287 Methodist & related churches 288 No longer used—formerly Unitarian…
DDC 270-279: Persecution junction
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 270 Christian church history 271 Religious orders in church history 272 Persecutions in church history 273 Heresies in church history 274 Christian church in Europe 275 Christian church in Asia 276 Christian church in Africa 277 Christian church in North America 278 Christian…
DDC 260-269: Fred Phelps would hate this
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 260 Christian social theology 261 Social theology 262 Ecclesiology 263 Times, places of religious observance 264 Public worship 265 Sacraments, other rites & acts 266 Missions 267 Associations for religious work 268 Religious education 269 Spiritual renewal Is Christianity cool? Starting with this…
DDC 250-259: Parish Administration: The Movie
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 250 Christian orders & local church 251 Preaching (Homiletics) 252 Texts of sermons 253 Pastoral office (Pastoral theology) 254 Parish government & administration 255 Religious congregations & orders 256 No longer used—formerly Religious societies 257 No longer used—formerly Parochial schools, libraries, etc. 258…
DDC 240-249: Ain’t your mama’s Christian writing
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: The thing I like about sections like this is how it surprises. Even though (or perhaps because) I grew up in the Christian world and am very familiar with its tropes, biases, and tendencies, I love when I find new things—perspectives that challenge…
DDC 230-239: Fresh loaves and fishes
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: 230 Christian theology 231 God 232 Jesus Christ & his family 233 Humankind 234 Salvation (Soteriology) & grace 235 Spiritual beings 236 Eschatology 237 No longer used—formerly Future state 238 Creeds & catechisms 239 Apologetics & polemics Probably because, not in spite of,…
Unprofessional Confessions with Rich Dyson
Rich Dyson is the author of Bearly Dad and You Are: A Lump’s Tale About Image, and the editor of Absolutely Unprofessional. He’s also an old friend from my days working at summer camp. We chatted about the value of the printed page and his newest venture writing for/with his kids. (Illustrations by Rich Dyson)…
DDC 220-229: Blessed is Samuel L. Jackson
A Teach Me How To Dewey production This Is How We Dewey: Regardless of how accurate it is in a given situation, deploying “Old Testament” as an intensifying adjective/adverb–i.e. “It’s about to get Old Testament up in here”–is one of my favorite things. To me in implies a righteous fury or a majestic/violent power that…