Tag: AAC
My sons’ media of the moment
A spinoff of an ongoing series Yotos and Tonies. All day every day. Seriously great screen-free stories, learning, and music for the 5 year old, and something to hold and play with for the 18 month old. Great holiday gifts too for the parents/kids in your life. Card games. The 5 year old has gotten…
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More photography here. Partly cloudy in the Windy City: Feeling reflective at our park: Fishing class with the five year old: First time downtown with the lads: Enjoying the hotel room balcony at Timber Ridge Lodge: Burgundy boy blending in with the fallen leaves:
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More photography here. Shadow play: The tunnel into Brookfield Zoo: Garbage Day is appointment viewing: Barking up the front yard tree: Puddle hunting:
A birthday shadow
Today our youngest turned one year old. He and I are often outside together like in this picture because it’s what makes him feel better when he’s upset. Walking around while holding him will get tougher as he grows and begins to walk, so I’m trying my best to cherish these moments before he goes…
My sons’ media of the moment
A spinoff of an ongoing series Raffi. His greatest hits have been on heavy rotation as it seems to be the only music that calms down our 8 month old when he’s upset, which is often. Hamster maze videos on YouTube. The 4 year old is delighted by these. Random but could be a lot…