DDC 140-149: The sexiest of all -isms

A Teach Me How To Dewey production

This Is How We Dewey:

  • 140 Philosophical schools of thought
  • 141 Idealism and related systems
  • 142 Critical philosophy
  • 143 Bergsonism and intuitionism
  • 144 Humanism and related systems
  • 145 Sensationalism
  • 146 Naturalism and related systems
  • 147 Pantheism and related systems
  • 148 Liberalism, eclecticism, and traditionalism
  • 149 Other philosophical systems

Of all the subtopics in 140-149, pantheism has the coolest name by far. Its definition and substance are certainly debatable, but having nearly all of the word panther in it makes it the coolest and sexiest of all -isms. (Admittedly not a high bar to hit.)

For probably the first time in Dewey thus far, the number of words in this 10-spot that end in “-ism” far outnumber those that don’t. Translation: It’s about to get ideological up in her’. This is not to say that ideology is bad; it’s simply incomplete most of the time, or limited in its understanding of the world. Believing in only one -ism is impossible, but once you start collecting them your box of -isms becomes a cluttered hoard of old toys that don’t always play well with each other.

So be smart with your -isms, everyone!

The Dew3:

Dancing in the Dark: Romance, Yearning, and the Search for the Sublime
By Barbara Lazear Ascher
Dewey: 141.6
Random Sentence: “‘She’s not in my way, Terrence,’ says Banana Moon Cake Man.’ ”

Hope in the Age of Anxiety
By Anthony Scioli
Dewey: 149.5
Random Sentence: “Hope lets you breathe a little easier.”

The Essential Transcendentalists
Edited by Richard Geldard
Dewey: 141.3
Random Sentence: “No sun illumines me, for I dissolve all lesser lights in my own intenser and steadier light.”
