Not sure where I found this Code of Ethics for Engineers on the interwebs, but I immediately fell in love with it—not for the engineering and robotics aspect, but for how it can be used for any creative work:

Let’s call these the 10 Commandments of Creative Work. Just replace “robot” with your art of choice:
1. Be industrious. Build, test, repeat.
2. Follow Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics.
3. Ask questions. Always.
4. Try things you’ve never tried before. There are many solutions to one problem.
5. Don’t fall apart if your robot does. It’s a chance to begin again.
6. Keep tinkering even if you’ve run out of ideas. Building will bring you more ideas.
7. Save your best ideas in secret notebooks.
8. Read lots of books about other things. Things that are not robots.
9. Pay attention to dreams.
10. Remember: the best robots are the ones you haven’t thought of yet.