Tag: television
The Beginning Of The End
Here’s what Natalie thinks about the season premiere of LOST last night. I think I agree with her.
On The Record
I want to go on the record about something. In the last few years, fans of the television show LOST have debated back and forth the mysterious — solved and unsolved — of the island and its inhabitants. Some say the writers have left way too many things unanswered for too long. They see that…
Rachel & TK All The Way
At least one of my favorite teams won on Sunday. I totally called it before the season began. They looked like they would get along and have fun along the way, which they did. Although, this was the first season in a while where I wouldn’t have minded if any of the top 3 teams…
Hey brother!
I just finished watching the final episodes of Arrested Development on DVD. If I haven’t told you before, please rent the DVDs. It is by far one of the best comedies and overall television shows I have ever seen. It is a unique kind of comedy, so be ready for fast moving storylines and a…