On Paper Trails and Typewriting Females

I just finished reading Cameron Blevins’ new book Paper Trails: The US Post and the Making of the American West, which I learned a lot from (see my full book notes).

One thing that popped out to me was the role of women in the Post Office’s workforce. Women made up two-thirds of all Post Office employees by the end of the 1870s, with the Post Office itself accounting for 75% of all federal civilian employees at the time. This made it a vital source of work for women early in the movement for women’s suffrage.

Their chief work was within the Topographer’s Office, which produced maps of postal routes. The layout and drawing of the maps was done by men (it was actually called “gentlemen’s work”). But the “ladies’ work” of coloring the routes according to frequency of delivery was arguably just as if not more important, because it added the dimension of time to the otherwise inert graphics and kept the maps up to date and therefore useful.

This wasn’t easy given the constantly changing routes and limitations of paper. As Blevins put it: “These women were, in effect, trying to paint a still life while someone kept rearranging the fruit.”

All this was on my mind when I saw Richard Polt’s Instagram post for International Typewriter Day.

I’m not sure how much typewriters factored into the work of the female “colorists” given its graphical nature, but the people’s machine without a doubt contributed to the societal sea change happening concurrently as women marched first into offices and then, eventually, the voting booth.

Anyway, I recommend Paper Trails primarily for history nerds—specifically 19th century America. The academic writing is refreshingly accessible and peppered with illustrative graphs throughout. I’m happy to file it under my “technically first” series of books about how innovative technologies came into being.

3 responses to “On Paper Trails and Typewriting Females”

  1. Patrick Clawson Avatar
    Patrick Clawson

    Oh, I have got to get a copy of this book! I would be surprised if Bertha Estelle (Clawson) Terhune did not get some mention as the first female postmistress in the Wyoming Territory. My 2nd cousin, once removed, Peggy Terhune, is currently writing a book about her grandmother, and I may have to refer her to this as source material.

    1. I don’t recall mention of Bertha, but given the huge territory the book covers—both in time and space—I’m sure there are tons of stories and people that just didn’t fit within the narrative.

  2. […] Paper Trails: The US Post and the Making of the American West by Cameron Blevins. Shoutout to the post office. […]
