Hmmmm why do most seem so polarized here?
I am an introvert with an extravert shield.
Can be the life of the party but also love to dive in books and shut everybody out for weeks.
Write poetry, stories but also enjoys raunchy jokes and soccer. Share the extreme dislike for cel phones; good that there is a out button.

See the solely introverted around me but find the tests and suspicions they put you through rather insulting and exhausting, but once as friend insightfull, humerous.
The solely extraverted are also exhausting and unfortunately rarely high educated but if they are you can have fun debates.

Being social is a study, you learn it to; make others feel more comfortable around you, have more change to get what you want.
From my experience most people (introverts and extraverts) hate being put in social situations were they do not know others, dressing up is a hell, listen to stupid jokes and miserly long stories without and clear point, shaking hands and go bla bla bla is exhausting. A lot just drink to get through it, nod here and there, find some type to talk to or misbehave with to get through the evening.

As for friends; take a selfobsessed extravert, let her/him talk and just nod, shake your head and say little encouraging things to keep the other talking (pick of course one who’s energy level is not annoying) and you both can be happy. One has a audience and the other has someone to appear social with.

The whole energy draining is often connected to toxic people, oh and also to dumb/mindless people, happy, intelligent and contend people rarely drain my energy.
Find the balance also depending on what fase of your life you are experiencing. For instance: stress can make every efford seem to much.
Young: introvert – mating season: extravert Study: introvert- shacking up: introvert – divorce/mating season: extravert

The term “normal” should be banned, met only 2 people who saw them selves “normal” while I saw them as simple, the rest was lucky enough just as complicated, confused as I am 🙂
My preference goes out to those weird, intelligent, and so extremely fascinating mixed up folks.

Best wishes,