I’m so wonderfully relived to find your blog entry. You being like me a white 1st world male. You and I share the same perspectives and personality. I have just recently decided to research the “introvert” term on google after having it hammered into my mind by extroverts that i’m just depressed. I agree with all that you said. about small talk and social situations. I find it very difficult to reconcile myself with the people of this society. I feel bad for them. I’m strongly spiritually guided, so I do not really make much fuss about it. I realize that what negativity I put out comes back 10 times fold it seems.

But I wish there was a way for me to participate in a extroverted world without the negative attraction extroverted personalities seem to have on mine.

In Buddhist terms it would appear that the extroverts are simply in a different level of being then introverts are – we however being both in samsara have to suffer. Obviously introverts are in the stage of self mastry while extroverts are in the stage of self actualization.

Having ruthless motherly compassion for them we can transcend any negativity – by relationship or oppression in society.

Nonetheless I would be much happier if I could get along with more people on my level – It’s quite unfortunate that for extroverts to be happy they have to oppress introverts.

This is yet another expression of the “masculine” spoiling the “feminine”. Although I am a male and suffering probably more on a daily level much more profoundly than any woman by having her wages reduced simply on the basis of gender…

I realize there is some sore negative feeling in this post but I mean it with the best intentions… =)

I think perhaps with these changes occurring in consciousness due to the point in history we are at and our proximity to 2012
… we can actually have reason to hope on an external scale.