Rockin’ Guat 2009: Episode 7


Hey readers, sorry for the lack of updating. I have caught some form of sickness and was too weary. I’m still sick with some diarrhea and aching, but hopefully it will pass.

We have had a pretty cool last few days. We’ve been working with a middle school/high school group from Charleston, South Carolina, in visiting some villages, building homes, and hanging out with the kids. Since the kids tag along with us wherever we go, we share our lunches with them. The group has also performed some dramas and Hector does the teaching.

A word about Hector: he received a calling from God to serve the needy kids in the very poor villages around Guatemala, so he works tirelessly every day leading mission trips and making sure everything that needs to get done gets done. It’s a very hard life–added to that a strange skin infection that makes him allergic to the sun. He needs all the prayers he can get because his job is a demanding one but an important one.

That said, it’s been raining every day here pretty hard as it is the rainy season. The many mountains that we drive around every day are quite green.

I’m still really tired from being sick and riding in bumpy vans all day, so I’m sorry if this post lacks the depth or wit I’ve used before. Hopefully I will get better soon. Until then, ¡hasta luego!

Next time: (hopefully) full recovery, and attending a large music festival in Guate.

2 responses to “Rockin’ Guat 2009: Episode 7”

  1. Brittany Johnson
    Brittany Johnson

    Hey Guys!!! It sounds like you are having a great time down there! Well, despite the diarrhea, I definitely know how that can put a damper on the whole trip….
    Anyways, I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Elise before she left, so could you pass on that I hope she is having a wonderful time and we miss her here??
    By the way, I am really jealous about the green mountains and being in the rainy season, that sounds like my perfect world!!!!!

  2. Way to hang in there. nice talking to you recently. looking forward to some photos. I will be going up to the cabin next week. taking grandma with me and dropping her off in Superior. Lief bought a new boat, so am hopeful to put worm.leech,minnow and fish guts on the bottom of the boat…………….dad
