“Often our reluctance to socialize leads extroverts to believe that we introverts are arrogant, detached, or self-absorbed. This misconception is probably due to an introvert’s disdain for small talk.”

You don’t find having disdain for something arrogance? Small talk is engaged in and enjoyed by the majority of the population, and disdain is defined by Merriam Webster as “contempt” so you’ve just told us that introverts have contempt for a behavior of the majority population — you refer to their conversations as “mindless chatter”. And you wonder why people think introverts arrogant? This IS arrogance.

And the self described “focus on the self” or “inward-looking” nature of introverts, is, in fact, exactly what extroverts call self-absorbed. It is the definition.

Introverts on average do not have a better sense of self than extroverts, they just have so relatively little contact with others that they have not gained the necessary perspective to really see themselves. And like most atypical groups, find a niche on the internet where they, that is you, can try to convince yourselves this is not so and that you have, in fact, some innate superiority.

So while I’ve pointed out quite clearly that you are exactly as arrogant as you claim not to be, you will reject this…that’s just how the human ego works.