actually, since I last wrote here I’ve changed..not into an extrovert but just into, well, myself really. And I’ve come to realise a few things:

Being an introvert shouldn’t make you feel bad, if it’s really who you are, you should feel normal and comfortable with it. If you’re feeling alone or sad, it’s not the same as being introverted. It could be, and I’m putting this bluntly because sometimes it needs to be said bluntly, that maybe you’re feeling depressed of insecure. I say this through experience, not through scientific knowledge, but just my own experiences.

Happiness is a choice. Ultimately, it is a choice. Saying this, you can always choose to be happy and everyone has the chance and capability of being happy.

But you’ve got to love yourself and by loving yourself (not to the extent of being vain or egoistic) by accepting and enjoying who you are, you find confidence. When you are confident people are attracted to that, positive pheromones are more inticing than negative ones. It’s quite possible to be confident and introverted, I know that because I am.

Malawi_dub, life is still possible and beautiful if you’re an introvert, because even if you are introverted, you can choose to enjoy yourself and look at the better side of things, there is always a way to achieving your dreams as long as you believe in it.

If your friends are real friends, they’ll understand and like you for who you really are. If they don’t, then you should probably find better friends because you deserve to have genuine ones.

A memory pill isn’t the answer, because every memory, every experience, has made you who you are today and you should celebrate and learn from that because it makes you who you are. running doesn’t help because the things you’re running away from will always be there. If you face them, you will at least have tried to conquer them (of course this doesn’t apply in the same way when dealing with anything dangerous though) .

By fearing hope, we’re not even taking a step forward. Dare to dream, because by hoping, we can achieve what we never thought possible. Hoping is that first tiny step, then suddenly before you know it, you’ve taken three more..everything will have a risk but you’ve got to be realistic and yet optimisitc at the same time.

Don’t give up. I believe you can do what you want to and that you can find happiness.