Tag: Henry Winkler

  • he’s very good…

    This is as good a time as ever to tell a story.

    Henry Winkler came to North Central on a promotional tour for his newest children’s book. Along with the admission price, you get a free copy of the book. I purchased the deal with hopes of getting my Arrested Development DVD signed by Barry Zuckercorn (He’s very good!). So I go to the show and he gives a motivational speech to the kids in the audience, explains his struggle with dyslexia, then reads a little from his book. The show ends and the lady in charge announces that Mr. Winkler will not be signing any memorabilia other than his books.


    I have to reformulate my plan. There soon forms a long line for the signing table, so my chances of a quick sneak attack with the DVD is impossible. I’m currently number 200 in line, so I wait. And wait. Then listen to some parents talk about “the Fonz” and wait some more. The clock is ticking. LOST is on at 9PM, which is approaching ever so quickly. I can now see the table and hear his deep, animated voice. I’m reciting exactly what I’ll say when the moment comes. I’m going to be suave, collected, intelligent, and cool…with any luck.

    5 people ahead of me, now 4, now 3. The lady arranging the books for the Fonz to sign repeats to many patrons that “Mr. Winkler will not be signing anything other than his books.” Screw you lady, I’m getting my DVD signed.

    The moment comes. He says hello and starts signing the book.

    (This is exactly what happened)
    “Hey, I’m a huge fan of Arrested Development.”
    “Yeah, that was a shame, wasn’t it?” he says.
    “Yeah, I would be honored,” I said, as I pulled out the concealed disc, “if you would sign my Arrested Development DVD.”

    The book Nazi woman attempts to thwart my plan.

    “No, you can’t–”

    But it was too late. He signed it with a smile, saying: “Ha, if you tell anyone, I’ll break your knees.”

    Thank you, Henry. That’s all that I ask.