Because someone sits and listens and converses and reads their books doesnt mean they are ” actually ” listening. We’ll never know how any interaction with a book or person or poem or tree or whatever has affected someone. They usually keep such things to themselves. Over time these interactions may be absorbed into our personage. Your mom is a veracious reader and she used to pass on paragraphs and chapters to me regarding parenting, etc. I happily read them and tried to incorporate such readings into my behavior and attitude and thinking regarding you kids. We had many discussions and observations about parenting for your entire life and still do as we move along in our path of life. I really didnt have time to read much until after you all left the house and started your own lives as novice adults. I was too busy ” raising ” you kids and felt it was the most important job in the world including being POTUS. Being busy isnt a bad thing. Reading isnt a bad thing. Having counselors and advisors isnt a bad thing. Being observant isnt a bad thing. Quietly or not so quietly incorporating what we learn in our lives isnt a bad thing. Cant really measure a person by the quantify or quality of the books they have read. Indeed God help us all to listen, learn, be patient, support, criticize with compassion and help each other as we read and romp through life. Au