A Teach Me How To Dewey production
This Is How We Dewey:
- 160 Logic
- 161 Induction
- 162 Deduction
- 163 Not assigned or no longer used
- 164 Not assigned or no longer used
- 165 Fallacies and sources of error
- 166 Syllogisms
- 167 Hypotheses
- 168 Argument and persuasion
- 169 Analogy
You know what they say about logic…

Though I am very much not a math or science person, I think Spock is onto something here regarding the stimulating nature of logic. Like a beautifully composed painting or cohesive album, as a simple composition an airtight, symmetrical equation or argument is a wonder to behold. All those Xs and Ys and numbers coming together to make something grand. It’s wonderful, I say. (I realize logic is more than math equations and scientific hypotheses—deal with it.)
Like the 140s, this section in my library had slim pickin’s, at least compared to the 150s. Perhaps that’s a metaphor for our times. I can only hope that the popularity of the Star Trek reboots will bring logic back in vogue, because there’s nothing people like more than a know-it-all coolly calling out everyone’s BS.
The Dew3:
Arguing for Our Lives: A User’s Guide to Constructive Dialog
By Robert Jensen
Dewey: 160
Random Sentence: “That arrogance is what has transformed Earth into Eaarth.”
Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking
By Dennis Q. McInerny
Dewey: 160
Random Sentence: “Every dog has three heads.”
Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders
By Jamie Whyte
Dewey: 160
Random Sentence: “It is a rare foray into gobbledygook that does not begin with a tribute to quantum physics.”